Become a Columnist

If you’re a high school student in SD68 who loves to speak your mind, Nanaimo needs to hear from you.

Who are School Columnists? School Columnists are writers from Nanaimo high schools.

What do they do? Columnists write one 250 word column each month on an agreed upon topic.  Issues are varied and can include news stories, local politics, sports, health, trends and community. Columnists also attend meetings, both online and in person.

Where are they from? Every high school in School District 68 (up to three from each school)

When is the term? September to June, every school year.

Why is it great to be a columnist for the Mind’s Eye? Being a columnist is a fun and challenging opportunity. When you’re a columnist you can express your opinions and ideas to a wider audience, get great exposure in the community, gain volunteer hours  for graduation and scholarships and have one more awesome thing to put on your resume.  Your writing will also improve.

How do I Apply?  Just email the editor at stating:

  • your school and grade
  • why you’d make a great columnist
  • what you hope to get out of the experience
  • where you’d like to be in five years
  • your favourite things to read (newspapers, magazines, journals, websites)